Wirral Council’s new CEO Eric Robinson hits the ground running…

24th March 2015

I haven’t posted much lately, but tonight, it was time to shake off the cobwebs, get fired up and get blogging again.  I’m also a tweeter by the way…

The thing I love about Twitter is it’s direct, it’s in yer face, and it can be used to reach distant and very important personages in their ivory towers, to get to the heart of contentious issues quickly and cuttingly (that’s if you’re not blocked of course !)

Here’s a wonderful case in point which happened this evening.  Thanks to a kind and obliging friend, I became aware of the Twitter handle of Eric Robinson, Staffordshire County Council’s soon to be former Deputy CEO.

Eric is Wirral Council’s new Chief Executive, and starts his Wirral “journey” (yeah, love that word) on 7th April.  Not long to go now, and we’re all practically wetting ourselves in anticipation.

Here’s a link to Eric’s Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/staffspeople

And here’s a timeline of tonight’s curious events…

6:20 PM @StaffsPeople ~ followed on Twitter by Wirral In It Together…

6:42 PM ~ My welcoming tweet is dispatched…


8:19 PM ~ precisely 97 minutes later, I find I’m blocked…


The LGC Awards

As those of us in the know are painfully aware, the Local Government Chronicle is an obsequious, tedious, fawning rag – published for consumption by town hall vested interests, stuffed with reams of self-congratulatory bullshit, and all funded with your money via regular, mandatory council tax payments.  These transactions are arranged and enforced in such a way that you may go to prison if you don’t cough up.

So to put it in easy to understand terms, you get forced into a corner, with your hands tied behind your back.  Then, a fat, hairy paw slips into your pocket, out comes your wallet, and the LGC rag gets bankrolled via the relieving of congestion in said wallet, courtesy of your councillors.

Then, after being propped up and given the freedom to churn out 12 months’ worth of insulting, self-obsessed drivel, the LGC editor feels obliged to give a little something back.  He packs a couple of slave-waged interns off to Abdul’s Trophy Shop with a sack of golden cups, under strict orders to have the names of inveterate, unapologetic, shameless liar (see hereherehereherehere, and here) “Phil Davies, Wirral Council” or “Ged Fitzgerald, Rotherham Children’s Services” lovingly engraved across them.

That done, it’s time to print out posh invites to an expensive London-based knees up, where prawn sandwiches will be scoffed, fine wines will be quaffed … and waitresses may even come in for ‘violent attention’ by soon-to-be relatives of the most notable luminaries – who knows…?

And it’s all done to celebrate how high-achieving these abnormal, gutter-dwelling, malpractising power abusers have suddenly become – against every man and his dog’s expectations.

Imagine if you will, Count Dracula being placed in charge of auditing stocks at the local blood bank.  It’s exactly the same scenario, whereby the Prince of Darkness states his desire to celebrate all that is kind and good about donating your lovely plasma, before sweeping his black cape up, obscuring his fangs, ducking down behind the glistening trophies, and secretly fixing onto a fat vein.

The lifeblood is then sucked out of the poor deluded bastard who had kindly contributed several gallons of his life’s essence, under the bogus impression he was doing something worthwhile and laudable.

Eric’s in the money – boosted from going rate of £135,000 up to £180,000

And just to finish off, news reaches me that Eric’s stonking salary has been voted through by the untouchables i.e. the  Wirral councillors who nonchalantly presided over years of foul abuse of learning disabled people; bullying of whistleblowers; concealment of deaths; mobbing; lying through their teeth to cover it all up; writing off of millions upon millions in toxic debt, and so much more – yet escaped all accountability.  I thought I’d tweet about Eric’s good fortune:


…oh, and…

How can an incoming CEO, if he’s keen to make a good impression with regulators, auditors and local council tax payers, go running away from the issue of child abuse before he’s even settled in behind his desk – abuse which ivolved 1,400 children and we now know was consistently covered up by award-winning Rotherham Council at the time?

It took up until only a few weeks ago to force the resignation of the whole of the Rotherham cabinet and to finally secure the imposition of special measures.

The media searchlight will one day shift and come to rest upon Wirral if this new Chief Executive carries on slamming the shutters down and blocking out whatever or whoever he may regard as “inconvenient news”.

I mean, this guy is supposed to be one of the ‘best’ people.

About Wirral In It Together

Campaigner for open government. Wants senior public servants to be honest and courageous. It IS possible!
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7 Responses to Wirral Council’s new CEO Eric Robinson hits the ground running…

  1. Bobby 47 says:

    You’ve gotta have a little pity for Eric. Yes! Pity and sympathy for his predictable reaction to realising that it was he, Cardin, who’d got hold of his Twitter handle and highlighted to Eric the absurdity of the recent award to Wirral Council that, within a short space of time lifted them from being labelled ‘abnormal’ to startling good and better than all the rest.
    Of course, if Eric had any inkling that life in Staffordshire was not the same as that upon the Wirral, and this place, which is the wrong side of the tunnel, was the nesting place for the likes of Cardin, Brace, Justice and a bunch of bloggers who were tied, bound and united in a belief that politics on the Wirral were indeed extremely abnormal, he’d have probably stopped, thought a little and concluded, ‘I’ve gotta tread carefully here. I’ll not ban him but rather open up a kind of light touch dialogue and see where the winds blow me’. That’s what I’d have done. If I thought for one single moment Cardin had got me in his sights, and it was me and the meaty flesh upon my broad buttocks that were his target, I’d have handled this confrontation in an entirely different way.
    Course, it’s done now isn’t it! He’s banned Cardin which means that from hereon poor Eric is going to be bitten, chewed and spat out over and over again simply because he refused to countenance that his new employers were a gaggle of chancres all dancing upon the edge of legality.
    Poor sod I say! Give this little cutie enough time to park his backside behind his new desk, probably transform anything he can feast his eyes on, including his office furniture and the bloody rotten carpets and he’ll soon rue the moment when he muttered to himself, ‘Cardin can get stuffed’ and banned him from his Twitter account.
    I wouldn’t have done that. Never! If it had been me I’d have handled this little encounter in an entirely different way. I’d have reached out, gathered up Cardin, Brace, Justice and all those who’ve become cognisant for sometime that the Wirral is a highly abnormal local authority, popped them all in a tiny floating vessel loaded with ale, cigarettes and some highly promiscuous wanton strumpet and funded the lads to sail away from New Brighton Beach on a twelve month trip around the globe without access to a laptop. Better that than stupidly banning Cardin from his Twitter account.


  2. Pingback: Today, in Wallasey Town Hall (Wirral Council HQ) I spoke with new CEO Eric Robinson | Wirral In It Together

  3. Nice to see #culture change is alive and well no matter where the job placement is lol you have gained a very valuable asset in your search for Accountability & Integrity he will be a loss here in Staffordshire….


  4. Pingback: The Comments of Bobby47 to this blog. Part #6 | Wirral In It Together

  5. Pingback: The Comments of Bobby47 to this blog. Part #43 | Wirral In It Together

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