Reading Council Safeguarding emergency. Confirmation of Noone and Fowler’s compromise agreements

the wirral council compromise agreement

Another name for a Compromise Agreement

An earlier blog post on this subject:

UPDATED: New figures for Wirral Council’s compromise agreements and gagging clauses

Wirral Council produced and supplied the following table in response to an FOI request.

As you can see, the names have been withheld and it contains no absolute confirmation that Maura Noone and Mike Fowler were issued with compromise agreements.  We added their names in red because there is enough circumstantial evidence out there to confirm that they were muzzled inside these documents using routine gagging clauses, and that this occurred in January 2012.

The ‘production designer’ of this ‘Great Escape’ and he who made all this possible, former CEO James Wilkie retired with ‘ill health’ in June of the same year.

As can be seen further down this table, an anonymous individual received a compromise agreement with a gagging clause, also in June of the same year, however the council went onto the record here, to claim that James Wilkie never signed a compromise agreement.


Wirral Compromise agreements for Reading safeguarding story1

*Extremely* sharp-eyed readers will notice from the above table that Wirral Council lied, and failed to declare a compromise agreement issued to a former senior officer who was gagged* on 24th August 2013, thereby breaching Section 77 of the FOI Act.

Later, the controversial £48,000 payment at the heart of this was used by Frank Field MP as justification for paying off the #Wirralgate complainants in a thus far failed attempt to take the heat off him and his election agent, alleged racist and Deputy Leader of Wirral Council, Councillor George Davies.

There’s much more scandal [body-swerved for many years by the local and mainstream media] on Twitter if you search the #Wirralgate hashtag.

*The Employee and the Council confirm that they will keep the terms of this Agreement confidential, save where such disclosure is to HM Revenue & Customs, required by law or (where necessary or appropriate) to the Employee’s spouse / immediate family or legal or professional advisers, provided that they agree to keep the information confidential.

The Council and in particular the Council’s senior officers including HR and the Council’s Chief Executive (Graham Burgess) also confirm that they will keep the terms of this Agreement and the issues which led to the claim confidential to themselves, relevant Council senior officers and legal or professional advisers provided they agree to keep the information confidential and are able to do so lawfully.

Yes readers, you’re way ahead of us again…

…if Wirral Council routinely, confidently ignored statutory law and lied through their teeth about the senior officer’s compromise agreement issued in August 2013, then we can safely assume they’re likely to have lied through their teeth again about Jimbo’s.

Here’s the Reading safeguarding story so far:

An emergency safeguarding message has been left with our representative on Wirral Council, Seacombe Councillor Adrian Jones – 4th June 2018

The causal link between a Wirral Council failure and a safeguarding emergency – 5th June 2018

Safeguarding Emergency. An updating email to Councillor Jo Lovelock, Leader of Reading Council – 13th June 2018

Reading Council latest. We hate saying “We told you so…” but… – 14th June 2018

It looks like holding Wirral and Reading Councils to account is not going to be easy

Reading Council latest. The emergency safeguarding situation. Here’s some “Private Eye” cuttings.

Thousands endangered in Reading. Here’s the FOI request spelling it all out. Yet still… Wirral Council FAILED

It’s “Wirral In It Together” ……as the Wirral Tory Leader closes ranks to march in step with his Labour chums

Update on 23rd January 2021

From 8 years ago today…in the Wirral News.

Return to Bomb Alley 1982 – The Falklands Deception, by Paul Cardin

Amazon link

About Wirral In It Together

Campaigner for open government. Wants senior public servants to be honest and courageous. It IS possible!
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10 Responses to Reading Council Safeguarding emergency. Confirmation of Noone and Fowler’s compromise agreements

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