The Comments of Bobby47 to this blog. Part #10


Jan 28, 2016

What’s wrong with Wirral Council Street Lighting?

So Cardin, the Chief Executive has chosen to ignore you again! Clearly, given the way this fella constructs a thought, an ’emerging thought’, his reaction would probably have been, ‘Cardin can get stuffed. Never! I’ll never have an emerging thought that compels me to answer him.’
Mind, he’s probably praying nightly to his God that you’ll stop bothering him which of course you won’t.
If I were in his shoes, I’d grasp the stinging nettle, have an emerging thought that directed me to display a little courage, strike up an uneasy but very polite relationship and answer your correspondence.
Mind, what you and I would do and what he’d do are of course very different things. Take care lad. My very warmest regards to you and yours. Rob.


Jul 9, 2016

Tory Election Expenses – Electoral Commission Witness Statement

Off topic I know, but the more I read, the more I learn and the closer I edge toward my headstone that’ll read, ‘I’m fucking dead because my arteries became clogged up’, I’ve reconciled myself to one single and obvious truth. For us, the working class little people, the ones who, every five years get the chance to trudge into the Polling Booth and vote for the least ugly of the candidates, there is now no longer any future in social democracy. Since the emergence of the liar Blair and his Far Away Eyes and the impact New Labour has had on every single political figure of all political persuassions that follows his doctrine and ideology that is, ‘tell them anything you think they want to hear just to get into Government,’ I’ve concluded that right now, here, now and today, for the benefit of everything that’s good and holy, we need, only for a short period of time a dictator.
Yes! A Dictator. Not your nasty narcissistic, psychopathic headbanger who thirsts to bring havoc to the world. There are other dictatorial headbangers out there who genuinely want to dictate but do not wish to cause any of us harm. I’m advocating the latter. A complete headbanger of a dictator who’ll come to power, get rid of all the slime, the sludge and all the other stinking rancid grime that one associates with the political elite, all bloody Councils and all those who’ve signed up to the ethos of Common Purpose, clean the slate and begin again.
Year bloody Zero! That’s what we need. We need a new beginning. A new period of enlightenment where it’s possible not to have our ears that God equipped us to hear with, to be bombarded with mindless and pointless words like passionate, vision, outcomes, Partnerships, transformation, lessons have been learned, bloody journey and all the rest of the pointless and mindless pigswill that rolls down the conveyor belt to get emptied upon our heads every bloody day the gravy train continues to roll out carrying the rich, the privledged and the celebrated toward the land of milk and honey.
I say, fuck them! Let’s find ourselves a kindhearted, good and decent narcissistic, mentally unstable dictatorial headbanger of a twat who, by nature and a good upbringing is desperate to do good things for the people of the United Kingdom PLC.
Then, after a period of time, after the successful and fully completed political, social and economic transformation has been brought about by the presence of our benevolent head banging despotic dictator and we’re brought back to square one, where good people like Jeremy Corbyn are not bullied, belittled and attacked by a howling mob of backstabbing oily political chancers, we tap on the fools door and say, ‘times up you mad bastard. Fuck off. Don’t come back. Thank you very much for everything you’ve done.


Jul 14, 2016

Private Eye reminds us of Angela Eagle’s highly dubious origins

Well it wasn’t me who smashed her window and I’ll be damned if I go out of my way again to say it wasn’t me. Quite simply, I didn’t do it and no amount of cunning and guile that the Constable might employ to find the culprit or decide to pin it all on me because I’m an easy target, will get me to roll over, throw me hands up and say I did it.
I bloody didn’t do it. I was miles away at the time. Not that I know the time when the throwing took place and it wasn’t me who lumped that house brick through Angela’s window. Not that I know it was a house brick. I don’t. It could have been anything that was large enough and strong enough to shatter its glass and just because I’ve mentioned house brick, and it subsequently turns out that it was in fact a house brick that did the smashing, it doesn’t necessarily mean that I did it, albeit, the more I comment and the deeper I dig I do appreciate that folks out there might conclude, ‘this bastard bust the window’.
Frankly, other than trying to defend myself and stop my good name being dragged through the Wallesey mud, with hindsight, it’s probably been a waste of my time trying to distance myself from the whole thing that’s resulted in this pane of shattered glass because. Thinking more about it and considering all the circumstances, I wish I’d not bloody bothered to visit and post this on Cardin’s blog


Jul 15, 2016

Private Eye reminds us of Angela Eagle’s highly dubious origins

Thank you Paul. I do appreciate your kind and encouraging supportive words. I am also encouraged and heartened by the recent response from the local Constabulary who’ve studied this case and its modus operandi and concluded, ‘this is the work of a criminal’ which hopefully excludes me from their list of suspects.
Police work is a fascinating science Paul. To you and I, we see a shattered pane of glass, but to the Police, they see and note fascinating small details that they use to build up a profile of the one who hurled the brick smashing Angela’s window.
The local Police Commander charged with finding the culprit told me in an unguarded moment that the offender definitely had either one or two legs. Apparently, when they visited the scene after Angela phoned in and said, ‘some twat has bust me bloody window’, they noted that the culprit wasn’t there, giving them their first solid clue that had the offender got no legs he’d have been present at the scene. Whereas, because the culprit wasn’t sat there waiting for the Police, the culprit must have had at least one leg or possibly two to enable them to walk, run or even hop away.
As we speak Paul, the Police are adding and building to their criminal profile that gives the local Commander the confidence to say, ‘we are behind him. Sadly, at the moment many miles or even years behind him but, with the help of our Partner Agencies we are determined to stop the rest of Angela’s Windows getting smashed by this criminal who has either one or two legs’

Return to Bomb Alley 1982 – The Falklands Deception, by Paul Cardin

Amazon link

About Wirral In It Together

Campaigner for open government. Wants senior public servants to be honest and courageous. It IS possible!
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