Wallasey CLP News. Does the Malicious Behaviour of an Angela Eagle Supporter Equate to Gross Misconduct?


23rd October 2016

This letter was written around the end of July / start of August 2016.

Many of the assertions are speculative, but the central falsehood is a serious one, the allegation that Wallasey CLP Vice Chair Paul Davies was seen by three people in Linda Keogh’s road, posting leaflets on Saturday 30th July 2016.

Note: Wallasey CLP was suspended on 20th July and all members were therefore banned from such activities.

Paul Davies was not physically in Wallasey on that date.  He was away in London over the weekend of 30th / 31st July 2016.  Therefore the first logical conclusion to draw from this is he cannot have been seen or witnessed in Wallasey posting leaflets.

The fact he wasn’t in Wallasey is extremely fortunate for Mr Davies because if he’d not been away in London on this weekend and the allegation was found to be proven, it would have been grounds for expulsion from the party.

The fact that Mr Davies kept evidence of his journey in the shape of hotel receipts, Oyster Card and bank card purchases has prevented the NEC from throwing the book at him on these entirely false allegations.

As we know by now to our cost, given recent NEC decisions, such a damning letter – which was copied to General Secretary Iain McNicol among others – could have proved to be extremely harmful.

And how enlightening to see this particular allegation being very quietly dropped from the recent evidence-free NEC leaked report on alleged homophobia et al. 

That said, this is an outrageous situation that cannot be left to stand.  As the NEC don’t appear to have mentioned Linda Keogh in the report or to have followed up on her malicious conduct, it needs pursuing by others in order to get it addressed, those who are keen for fairness and equality before the party rules.

The NEC can’t be seen to be selective about who they choose to discipline.  Ms Keogh is a Wallasey Labour Party member who maliciously lied about a colleague in order to cause him damage; damage which could have had him unjustly kicked out of the party.

Depressingly, we can also see she went to the media for good measure, copying the letter to Politics Home who were only too pleased to regurgitate the allegations in full without stopping to check their veracity.

If Mr Davies’ expulsion had gone ahead, the papers would have been gloating and absolutely full of it. There’s no doubt, he would have been subjected to further smearing by the press packs, queuing up to do their worst, all thanks to a mendacious lie.

In such difficult times for the party, there has been a desire and a need for unity in opposition, but its reputation has once again been further eroded by one member’s corrosive behaviour, aided and abetted by two more.

It would be enlightening if we could discover whether these three members feature as members of Angela Eagle’s group of 17 ‘whistleblowers’, but this is not currently possible because the NEC have advised that members bringing allegations are fearful of repercussions and have been granted anonymity.

We’re also forced to contemplate another question: if Labour Party members in Wallasey are capable of deliberately inventing false allegations in order to damage their own colleagues, what else have they been lying about?  Can we trust them to be honest and above board about the bullying, the intimidation and the homophobia that they’ve been queuing up to allege?

Or were these also very specific, very elaborate, very carefully contrived falsehoods similar to the one that Linda Keogh took time to dwell upon and make as watertight as possible in the letter above?

And broadening out still further, given the disenfranchising, the snubbing of the grass roots, the attacks on local party democracy at four different locations and the clamping down on members’ movements and free speech, we also need to ask the fundamental question:

What on earth is behind the strange, almost alien modus operandi underway at Labour Party HQ?


From BBC interview: Head of Politics at Liverpool University, Stuart Wilks-Heeg

To have 4 local parties completely suspended simultaneously, and also to have a generalised suspension in CLPs meeting, really is unprecedented and unheard of.

More on this subject here:



She was out by a month, but we know what she meant.

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12 Responses to Wallasey CLP News. Does the Malicious Behaviour of an Angela Eagle Supporter Equate to Gross Misconduct?

  1. simplyshirah says:

    All of this is utterly disgraceful. Why are these people telling lies still not punished for telling lies. What about NEC agreeing with Ms Eagle that she was homophobically abused at a meeting she didn’t attend? And the NEC continuing to say that a smashed window in the STAIRWELL was a deliberate attack on her? If the window was smashed from the outside into the building, how is it that the glass is on the OUTSIDE!!! Then we have NEC suspending and demanding Brighton & Hove be split up over “evidence of abuse?” And then we find video footage which shows that the allegations were untrue.

    When is someone going to do something about this total lack of democracy? And when is someone going to be allowed to refute these allegations with an independent panel not NEC miscreants.

    Utterly despair.


    • Wirral In It Together says:

      We just have to take it lying down and bide our time. The outrageous behaviour needs investigating by a genuinely independent third party. Only then will we win through because it will all come out. But yes, it’s so galling when democracy gets repeatedly sacrificed in favour of Stasi -style meddling, manipulation and control.


  2. skwalker1964 says:

    Reblogged this on The SKWAWKBOX Blog and commented:
    A crucial further point on the Wallasey debacle – why was a member shown to have confected damaging allegations against a Corbyn-supporting fellow member was omitted from the NEC Disputes Panel’s woeful report – and what it means about the antics and mores of some people at Labour. As the author writes:

    “We’re also forced to contemplate another question: if Labour Party members in Wallasey are capable of deliberately inventing false allegations in order to damage their own colleagues, what else have they been lying about? Can we trust them to be honest and above board about the bullying, the intimidation and the homophobia that they’ve been queuing up to allege?

    Or were these also very specific, very elaborate, very carefully contrived falsehoods similar to the one that Linda Keogh took time to dwell upon and make as watertight as possible in the letter above?

    And broadening out still further, given the disenfranchising, the snubbing of the grass roots, the attacks on local party democracy at four different locations and the clamping down on members’ movements and free speech, we also need to ask the fundamental question:

    What on earth is behind the strange, almost alien modus operandi underway at Labour Party HQ?”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Bibby47 says:

    Quite why none of you haven’t communicated these concerns to Angela directly and interviewed her regarding these matters is beyond me. I’ll bet she’d be more than happy to attend a venue and subject herself to some serious questions.
    You see, in my experience, and I’ve plenty of it, most political figures I’ve encountered whilst trading as I.G.2.T.B.O.I (I’ll Get 2 The Bottom Of It), before Justice Tucker ordered me to disband my business, cease trading and spend three years in HMP Hellhouse, are more than keen to get to the bottom of it. Cause, their bottom of it, my bottom of it and your bottom of it can be entirely very different things, but eventually, after some prodding and probing, I’ve consistently found, before they stopped me doing it, that the gap narrows very quickly and the truth emerges and soon, very very soon their bottom of it and my bottom of it are pretty much the same.
    See, what you do is you communicate with Angela. She tips up, taps on the door and says, ‘it’s me Angela and I’m here to be interviewed’ and I shout, ‘don’t come in. Let me log off Wirral Housewives, pull me pants up and pour you a lovely cup of tea’.
    And that’s what you do. She’s sat there supping a cuppa and nibbling on a custard slice while I’m preparing my notes readying myself as I prepare to get to the bottom of it. Thereafter, after I’ve rocked back and forth desperately fighting to stave off sleep and the drudgery and boredom of listening to her endlessly boring account of something that never ever happened, I get down to getting to the bottom of it.
    I say, ‘my dear good woman please be good enough to pull your tights down’, to which, quite rightly, she cries, ‘I’ll be damned if I sit here and be sexually assaulted by you, you mad, fat, demented headbanger’. I tell her, ‘my good and sweet child of creation nobody is going to sexually assault you. Not now. Not ever. I’m simply going to test your honesty with this here bunch of nettles, freshly harvested from the banks of The Mersey’.
    And so, comforted by my sincere pledge that I was not about to subject her some unholy violation, she pulls down her tights, I put on me thick rubber gloves, grab a hold of me nettles and the questioning repeats itself, though this time, every time she shovels out some tripe that I consider to be rubbish, and I know rubbish when I hear it, I give her legs a generous stroking of the dreadful nettle barbs that make her shout, ‘ you fucking mad bastard’.
    Anyway, after twenty minutes of howling, screaming, some foul mouthed obscenities from her, not me because I don’t like to swear in front of women, we get to the bottom of it and discover that it was all a load of politically orchestrated bollocks designed and intended to fool everyone.


  4. Pingback: #Brickgate / Angela Eagle Broken Stairwell Window is now with the Information Commissioner’s Office | Wirral In It Together

  5. Pingback: Labour Party Member Linda Keogh tried to Frame Wallasey CLP Vice Chair Paul Davies – What Happened Next? | Wirral In It Together

  6. Pingback: Wallasey CLP vice-Chair Paul Davies. NEC investigation this Wednesday | Wirral In It Together

  7. Pingback: What are the Charges Against Wallasey CLP’s Paul Davies? | Wirral In It Together

  8. Reblogged this on Wirral In It Together and commented:

    This happened a year ago. Time to refresh our memories, and to let it sink in that NOBODY has been disciplined. Worse still, the hard right in Wirral are queuing up to join Momentum and hitch a ride now that Corbyn’s star has risen.

    The Adrian Jones’s, Linda Keoghs, Paul Stuarts – who seek to attack and divide – need expelling not just here, but up and down the country….

    If not, the party will be corroded, destroyed and quickly consigned to years of opposition all over again.


  9. Pingback: The sheer ingratitude of Labour @CLPWallasey makes itself known | Wirral In It Together

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