Pro-Israel Wirral Council chooses not to mention the ongoing genocide of 30,000 people, and instead, criticises local pro-Palestine protestors for ‘extremism’

Wirral Council flies a flag, displaying its staunch support for a blood-spattered, Middle East butcher of humanity

After watching this webcast, it seems Wirral Council’s Birkenhead Town Hall may have had some unwelcome visitors who had to be cleared out. These were pro-Palestine protestors. Maybe we’ll read all about it in the Wirral Globe / Liverpool Echo. Or maybe not. Who knows?

Link to the Council webcast. This may not work. (It didn’t the last time I tried it). Maybe it’s designed to fail. Go figure:

Excerpt from the meeting:

The mayor starts out with “I am a little disturbed … I hope nobody’s going to defend that behaviour”.

But her determined silence – and that of others across ALL PARTIES – throughout the entire meeting on the ongoing genocide against Palestinians appears to be a defence of the murdering, apparently unstoppable Israeli war machine.

Councillor Jeff Green: “This is extremism”.

What is more extreme than the murder of 30,000+ innocent people (ongoing), all enabled by Western governments?

Take it from us. The whole meeting came and went. Not once was the Israeli genocide mentioned.

Another outrageous claim from the Wirral Mayor was…

“We are here to work for the people of Wirral.”

About Wirral In It Together

Campaigner for open government. Wants senior public servants to be honest and courageous. It IS possible!
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